More cold and wind

willbur3That being said, we have had all the wind rain and cold weather one can ask for.  Stripers? No. Been looking with no luck.  With winds around 20mph and cold temps the reds have been eating.  The best thing about weather like this is,  no one on the flats, nevermind the water.  Will Abbott and I spent two mornings looking for stripers with no luck but found some reel happy reds.  Will is a trooper,  I think he has spent enough time in cold water and weather chasing trout in the mountains that 50 degree temps and being on a boat, things were great.  I received a call from Felton Jenkins on sunday wondering if there was a chance to get some fish,  I said it would be tough but ya never know till ya go.  Once agian  no boats and fish willing to eat.  Winds around 18mph gusting to 20 something.  We found a few lees from the wind and reds willing to play.  I don’t know what to make of the stripers,  Myself will be putting them on the back burnner till I hear of a good bite happening. 

Will, I'll fish anytime anywhere
Will, I'll fish anytime anywhere


Felton Jenkins
Felton Jenkins


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