CCA Georgia

If you think CCA Georgia is a conservation group here is some food for thought. A chapter President for cca Georgia goes out 3 days in a row to the same spot, letting his anglers keep their limit. This 20 fish per day resulting in 60 fish being caught over the 3 days. Day 4 he goes back and dosn’t catch a fish in said spot. Now what this guy did was legal, but is that conserving our coastal resource I ask. Think long and hard before signing up for this joke of a conservation group, seems all they do is raise money for their salaries and beer at the banquets. Oh yea I forgot the CCA stickers.


Been some good reports of Albies off the beach, these guys make for great fun on light tackle or fly.  Looks like a bit of a blow for a few days, and I’ll be heading out to give chase.  Also the trout bite is really heating up, gulp baits on a jig head or under a popping cork will bring the bite.  Tides are backing down a bit, this will help for water clarity and a more consistent bite for all species being targeted.

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