HIlton Head, Savannah, Beaufort Fly and Spin fishing

Dang clouds!  Started off yesterday with a bit of wind and clouds but we still managed to find some fish popping some baits and tailing, on the low water.  We also found a group of 15-20lbs fish in the shallows.  We saw their backs out of the water and with the clouds and wind I couldn’t tell how big they were, until I realised we were in a foot or more of water.  All fish were caught and released from the Squash on the backside of Raccon Key and Cane Patch. On another note, when hiring a fly fishing guide if they don’t have pics on their web page of fly caught fish you may not want to hire them.  No fun going fishing with a bait guy trying to fly fish.

Hilton Head, Savannah, Beaufort fly and spin fishing

I cant’ believe this winter!!  The temps are great the winds have been light and the fish have been very active and somewhat happy.  It seems as though the fish are on some kind of seek and destroy.  The schools have been doing a ton of swimming around until they find some groups of small bait, then the destroying starts.  This has been the best winter in 20 years that I have been poling around the low country area, I pray the weather holds out and bring us an early cobia season.

Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700
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