Fly and light tackle fishing , Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort Call 912 308 3700

Br 1 hilton head fly fishing savannah fly fishing fly fishing Hilton Head

I would like to start off by saying the weatherman is a liar!  Friday was supposed to be sunny with a moderate wind, guess what ? Not.  Cloudy, and blowing 20 plus. Saturday was supposed to be lighter winds and full sun all day ! Well the wind wasn’t bad but clouds just kept rolling around making it tough to see fish until there were a couple of hundred coming at us at 40 feet. Go ! Cast !  Saturday we finally had the wind back off and the sun lighting up the flats, and bang, bang bang. We nailed some nice fish.  Seems as though there has been a fair amount of bait showing up and the dolphins are taking advantage of it, leaving the reds alone in some areas.  Therefore, some flats the reds are holding a bit deeper, and w/o the sun this can be tough. It seems to depend on the flat, some flats the fish are staying skinny, and others deeper.  Fly fishing Hilton Head, Savannah, Beaufort and beyond.  Light tackle also available.   You will not find a guide that will fish you longer on a half day trip, my half days are long and full days are really long.

Published by

Capt. Scott Wagner

I have been fishing the Georgia and South Carolina Coast for 30 years and guiding full time for 20 plus years. What you will get from me is a quality fishing trip, whether with fly rod or spinning tackle that is always a long time on the water for the rate. My half days run more like 5-6 hours and full days are over 8 hours. 4 hours on a half day just isn't long enough to fish. What you will not get from me is a quick trip to spots 5 minutes away that are fished heavily so can make it back to the dock in time for my next trip. I have guided through out the southeast as well as Alaska and the Bahamas. I have been instrumental in developing shallow water sight casting in Georgia and South Carolina and have been the first to introduce Tarpon fishing on fly rod to South Carolina and Georgia!!

Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700
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