Fishing Savannah Ga, Hilton Head Island, and Beaufort and the coast of Georgia Fly and Light Tackle, Fly fishing for red fish

Fishing savannah

Fishing savannah ga
fishing savannah

Ok so I have a few lame pics, but there is a method to my madness.  Johnny Edenfield and myself headed out for some trout fishing.  We hit a few places I had done well at just before the last set of big tides and no fish.  After finding a few fish here and there we finally hit paywater.  Now the reason for the lame pics.  Johnny and myself both have a bit of a competitive nature.  So we both want to catch the most fish.  I had to get a couple of shots for the post, so no great pics of he or I holding some of the bigger fish or anything like that.  Just get a pick and get the lure back in the water! We busted them really well on DOA’s and topwater lures and had a complete blast.   Who caught the most ?  Who knows and who cares, that was just one fun day on the water with Johnny.  The reds are now schooled up really well everywhere, Especially around HHI all one needs to do is go to the west side of Pickney.  Clear water and big schools of reds really gets my heart beating.  If the schools are jumpy try using 12 -14 foot leaders and a lighter fly.  I have had a few people tell me that the fish are jumping on the cast, so I ask them how long was your leader.  The answer , 8 or 9 feet.  you will be surprised how much a difference a little more length will make.

Fishing Savannah

Fly Fishing Beaufort SC


Published by

Capt. Scott Wagner

I have been fishing the Georgia and South Carolina Coast for 30 years and guiding full time for 20 plus years. What you will get from me is a quality fishing trip, whether with fly rod or spinning tackle that is always a long time on the water for the rate. My half days run more like 5-6 hours and full days are over 8 hours. 4 hours on a half day just isn't long enough to fish. What you will not get from me is a quick trip to spots 5 minutes away that are fished heavily so can make it back to the dock in time for my next trip. I have guided through out the southeast as well as Alaska and the Bahamas. I have been instrumental in developing shallow water sight casting in Georgia and South Carolina and have been the first to introduce Tarpon fishing on fly rod to South Carolina and Georgia!!

Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700
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