Fishing Savannah, Hilton Head, and Beaufort fly and light tackle

cinco fishing
Had to take the pic myself, Trip wouldn’t get down from the poling platform

fishing savannahfly fishing for red fish in georgiacinco fish2

Trip Wolfe with a purty one
Trip Wolfe with a purty one


Wow what a week of weather, 20-30mph winds rain and just plain nasty.  When we have weather like that the first couple of days after can be some of the best fishing.  Just like us I think the fish are just as fed up with the weather , and when it clears they get happy.  This was the case when Trip Wolfe and I went out Sunday.  I had 3 to the boat and lost another one, Trip had one to the boat and lost another nice one.  When in the grass a five fish day is great !  Looks like it’s going to start getting nice for the upcoming week and with that the triple tail are floating in certain areas.  Lats night Bob Vought and myself hit last night and found the fish to be in a bit of a funk but feeding.  We had some cooler temps and the fish were staging in good numbers entering the flats but as they came up it was not what we had expected.  A few tails and the fish would slink off.  After seeing this we decide to move to another flat and here we found some fish acting a bit more user friendly.  Bob put a nice one in the boat, lost a nice fish and we had another fish eat the fly when we both thought he had spooked, but actually had eaten the fly and was just swimming off !

Heading in after a long day
Heading in after a long day



Published by

Capt. Scott Wagner

I have been fishing the Georgia and South Carolina Coast for 30 years and guiding full time for 20 plus years. What you will get from me is a quality fishing trip, whether with fly rod or spinning tackle that is always a long time on the water for the rate. My half days run more like 5-6 hours and full days are over 8 hours. 4 hours on a half day just isn't long enough to fish. What you will not get from me is a quick trip to spots 5 minutes away that are fished heavily so can make it back to the dock in time for my next trip. I have guided through out the southeast as well as Alaska and the Bahamas. I have been instrumental in developing shallow water sight casting in Georgia and South Carolina and have been the first to introduce Tarpon fishing on fly rod to South Carolina and Georgia!!

Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700
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