fly and light tackle fishing for Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort

yakin it
yakin it with the new knees
hilton head fly fishing
first lil red on the yak

fly fishing hilton headIMG_20140201_150529_826The winter weather comes and it goes.  It is Jan. but the weather hasn’t been so bad.  Sure we are getting some cool days , but the fishing is and should continue being pretty good.  Picking the right tides this time of year can be critical for a epic day, but when you only have one day t do your thing you make do.  The coolest thing I’ve done in a while has been on the yak.  A couple of weeks back I was going stir crazy with the new knees and had finally had enough sitting around and physical therapy.  I decided to toss Molly’s yak in a local creek and have a paddle looking for some reds.  I must say I had a blast,  Catching 4 reds and a few trout pitching a 1/4 white doa shrimp.  Nice day of fishing even though the winds were around 20, I would have never known, being sheltered in this small creek.  The reds on the flats have been playing the game as well.  There have been some really nice schools of reds willing to bust Chris Webbers runaway shrimp fly in white.  Looks like the weather is going to be a bit more mild this weekend and I can’t wait to go bust a few lips.


Published by

Capt. Scott Wagner

I have been fishing the Georgia and South Carolina Coast for 30 years and guiding full time for 20 plus years. What you will get from me is a quality fishing trip, whether with fly rod or spinning tackle that is always a long time on the water for the rate. My half days run more like 5-6 hours and full days are over 8 hours. 4 hours on a half day just isn't long enough to fish. What you will not get from me is a quick trip to spots 5 minutes away that are fished heavily so can make it back to the dock in time for my next trip. I have guided through out the southeast as well as Alaska and the Bahamas. I have been instrumental in developing shallow water sight casting in Georgia and South Carolina and have been the first to introduce Tarpon fishing on fly rod to South Carolina and Georgia!!

Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700
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