The good and the bad

Views: 35

The fishing has been god too long for me. That being said ya know your gonna have a tough one soon.

Tom Bye
Bob V.
 With the last set of big tides all came tumbleing down.  8ft tides were bareley making it to 7.5’s thus not flooding the grass for tails.  We made do with what we had but it was not what I had expected.  With winter on it’s way the schools of reds will get larger, (if they can avoid the bait guys and survive the fall onslaught) and low tide fishing will be the norm.  Hopefully some stripers will show just to mix things up a bit. I have been catching some decent trout lately on fly waiting for the tide to get right for the reds, that’s a good sighn that all was not lost from last winter.

CCA Georgia?

Views: 44

Has this organization done anything for the inshore fishery in Georgia?  Not that I know of.  This is bullshit having the largest creel limits with the smallest coast.  South Carolina and Florida get the importance of a great red fishery.  I’m tired of all the bait dudes getting excited about limiting out on bass. Wow!   Got’m on mud minnows.  Got some pic comming. I just needed to rant a bit.

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