Anyone want to know what’s wrong with our fishery just go to Georgia outdoor news and read that BS.   This is the mentality that has our fishery marginal not unreal. These are also the same guys you see wearing camo fishing.  I would bet all are cca georgia members to boot. CCA can’t  figure if they want to save the fishery or their membership.   The President of CCA Georgia had said in the past that CCA Georgia should not take a stand on creel limit changes for fear of losing membership.   THAT IS A GREAT WAY TO THINK FOR A CONSERVATION GROUP!   Keep the fish or the members.?  Hmmm.   If you want to conserve our fishery, I would think twice about writing that check to cca georgia.  All ya get is a sticker and free beer once a year.  It would be nice if we could get people in a conservation group that are conservation minded.  CCA Georgia, BEAT IT! until you take a stand on conseving our fishery!

nice tarpon

Paul Range from Orvis Atlanta e-mailed me some pics from his recent trip to fl, Paul tells me it was a bit slow but they managed this 160lbs beauty.  If ya have good pics send them to and we’ll get them up.  Nice going Paul.  On a local note,  the bite is early for the local species, trout reds,  jacks spanish triple tail are making up the heat of the day if you can keep hydrated.    I would love to get some e-mails in regards to creel limits on reds and trout if you have an opinion send it in, no need for a name if you care not to, but I would love to put up others thoughts on our local fisherypaul-tarpon

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