Fishing Savannah,Hilton Head and Beaufort Fly and Light Tackle

Views: 102

The old knees are still trying to recover, but it won’t be long and I’m going to harass some critters.  There are some major schools of reds moving around on the flats and I aim to get myself in the middle of them.  The trout bite is still going strong and was told of a good striper bite ion the river.  I don’t think I’ve ever been so ready to get the boat out there.  Remember kids total knee replacement on both knees will slow ya down a bit.  Here are some more shots of days gone by. Also remember The new Fly shop in Savannah , Rivers and Glenn providing all us buggy whip fanatics with all that we may need.  Fishing Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort.

fly fishing hilton head
is that Big Baby
hilton head fly fishing
Bob Vought with a sunset beauty
how can Bob V. not be smiling
lil solo cobia on fly
Foxy Lady
is there anything better than poon on fly ?
say ah
bigguns in the cold from the bay of pigs

fishing savannah

Daniel son
Daniel son


Mr. Mercer wit a good'n
Mr. Mercer wit a good’n



hilton head fly fishing
too much to handle

Fishing Savannah, Hilton Head, and Beaufort Fly and Light Tackle fishing at it’s best (912) 308 3700

Views: 46

thats another sick school of reds

DSC_0258Well I’m sitting in the hospital after Total Knee Replacement on both knees and bored out of my eyes sockets.  I figured I would put some shots up of days gone by, just to keep my mind off the pain.  It won’t too long and I will be back on the water and harass some reds, trout and stripers.  There is a new Fly shop in Savannah as well.  It’s been a long time coming.  Looks as though I will be heading down there soon to get plenty of fly tying goodies to pass the time.  Rivers and Glenn is up and running and looking good !  Walker  has done a good job putting together a sweet shop downtown for all us long rod junkies.

I think this rattler just wanted a friend
Look at all these reds having some fun eating shrimp
fly fishing hilton head
Gotta luv a poon on the fly on the South Carolina Coast
fishing savannah
Thats one shallow water red fish. Creeping in 3″ of water
sunset tailer
sunset tailer
sometimes it's not all about fishing.  Ya gotta love summer time
sometimes it’s not all about fishing. Ya gotta love summer time
Big jack attacking a popper

scott Owens getting his guy on a nice triple tail

Cal Collier w/ a nice triple tail
Cal Collier w/ a nice triple tail
james jump shot
James w/ a nice poon taken on spin tackle and a big jerk bait
crazy pug nose red
crazy pug nose red
Holy cow that's a school of reds going nuts on some shrimp
Holy cow that’s a school of reds going nuts on some shrimp

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