Fishing Savannah and all points beyond

Views: 52

fishing Savannah
Joey with one his first red fish.
Brian Shaker with a nice red taken on fly on a not so spring day

Fishing savannah 2


Well we have been catching some reds on the flats but nothing has come easy.  March has been kicking our butts with high winds and cold weather. Hopefully things will change come April,  I’m ready for spring like weather and happier fish on the flats.

Spring? Fishing Savannah

Views: 45

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I tell ya when we have a mild winter you know your gonna get in the spring.  All fall and winter were near perfect conditions for fishing.  Than March had to come around and show us what it’s made of.  I have canceled more trips than I have run, but that’s not a bad thing, I don’t like going out there and getting my ass kicked in shity conditions.  Now when the weather has cooperated the fishing has been good, plenty of reds doing their thing and just the other day we had some trout going airborne thru some silversides that were coming in on the tide.  These trout were in water no deeper than a foot.  Well now let’s just hope for some warmer weather, next week doesn’t look like it, but maybe the following.

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