Fishing Savannah, Hilton Head, Beaufort

Views: 41

I have a couple of shots from this weekends fishing.  I left my good camera at home but had the I phone to get a couple of shots  If I knew my phone could take good pics I would have taken more.  Conditions were perfect for Jim Richmond this weekend. Low tide winter fishing this weekend left plenty of sore lips for the reds, but they all swim off fine.  Hopefully they can avoid bait fishermans coolers.  I will be posting plenty more shots from Sundays major excursion to the bay of pigs.  Seemed as though the larger fish of so called flat have moved out to be with their mom and dads,  but plenty of younger  fish have taken up residence and providing plenty of fun for fly and light tackle anglers.



fishing savannah ga

fly fishing beaufort sc

fly fishing for red fish

Fishing Savannah, Hilton Head, Fly and Light tackle

Views: 49

If you want reds, trout or a bit of both man it is on !   The reds are doing their thing as usual for this time of year, but the major story here is the trout. There seems to be a good number of fish wherever you go.  If you get into some small guys move you will find larger ones.  It has been tough taking pics of the trout due to the high numbers of fish being caught I can’t take pics.  Also I have been fishing w/ my customers so that makes it even tougher.  All everyone is doing is catching so fast there has been little time for picture taking.  I had long time customer Bob Lunsford and his wife Pam out the other day and after having a great red fish morning we decided to bang trout.  That we did, and after the trip I went back out and busted up some more and took a few home for dinner.  I hope this weather holds so we can continue the good fishing, but you never know what mother nature will bring.

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