specks, fishing Savannah

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fishing savannah


fishing savannah


I went out just for a bit yesterday to do some trout fishing for dinner, and literally ever cast for an hour I caught a trout.  Now many were small but there was more than enough larger ones.  Kept 2 for dinner and had a blast !!

Free Trip !

Views: 42

Anyone know of a child or Veteran who is deserving of a free day of fishing please contact me and let’s get them out on the water for free !  I would like to give away a trip once a month for those who would like to take advantage of this offer. This offer is for kids that have had hardship and have overcome or are in the  still in the fight. As for veterans a wounded veteran or someone who has gone above and beyond in his or hers service to our country.


Call me (912) 308-3700

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