Fly and Light tackle fishing Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort Call 912 308 3700

Chris Webbers runaway shrimp pattern works well

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We finally had some light winds and blue sky yesterday ! It was nice to get out there and chase the critters.   The morning started off with what seemed to be sub freezing temps and slick calm water.  Although it was cold the first flat we pulled up on had some nice fish tailing on the low water.  We had a couple of eats on fly before the fish went into lock down, Time to leave.  Second flat,  well the fish spooked out as soon as I got on the platform at a considerable distance. Damn !  So I just left them.  It’s kinda a bummer when you have seen big schools of reds playing on the flats only to run by another day and see some bait fishing bubs trying to limit out, Bo. Then you come back and half the school is gone if not all, or they are so shell shocked from said bubs fishing them everyday all day.   Oh well enough complaining, the next flat had plenty of reds but were holding kinda deep and hard to spot at times with high thin clouds, but we did manage to catch some fish and miss some.  Fun day all in all, especially when it warmed up !!

Triple Tail are soon to come !!

January is soon to be gone, with it leaving Feb. will bring longer days and hopefully warming trends later in the month. As the water warms the triple tail show up in very large numbers down south and it is one of my favorite fish to target. There are days you will get 20-30 shots a day. Most of the Triple Tail we see are in the 5lbs range, but it’s not uncommon to look down and see them 20 plus lbs. One thing about this fish, that even a smaller fish can be surprising strong, with cool jumps that will skip them along the surface, rod bending drag screaming action ! Triple Tail are the first of the migrating fish to show themselves and after a long winter of redfish it can’t come quick enough. Don’t get me wrong nothing wrong with reds just get a bit tired of chasing them all winter. Things should start heating up in March Just call 912 308 3700 or e mail me if interested. I have included a few shots over the past years. Enjoy !  This is truly some of the most fun sight casting you can ever do !  I promise !

Trips are fun on spin tackle with a light artificial
Trips are fun on spin tackle with a light artificial

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Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700