Good Goosh!!  Ihave been guiding for 12 years full time and poling the low country now for twenty and I have never had a day like this.  Long time customer Bob Sewell and I headed out to look for some tailers and That’s what we found.  We had 6 fish 4 of witch were 30-32 inch’s and had a couple come unbutton.  Lots of big fish and a good number of smaller fish tailing as well.  This flat was doing it!  On a tarpon note.  Did some solo fishing yesterday and,  I found a good number of fish in 2 spots, just didn’t get any eats.  f#*@#*% Tarpon

Reds, Jacks, Tarpon, what else? Bull Reds


Well we have been busting some lips.  Reds are going nuts on baits, and some bull reds have showed themselves in some shallows along the beach fronts.  Jacks are who knows where this week but may show again.  Tarpon are stacking along the beach’s, I just havn’t had the conditions to go run around and look.  Starting this weekend I will put a full court press on the poon.

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