Fly Fishing Tybee, Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort

Views: 171

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April has for sure settled down and the fish are there to be caught !  That doesn’t mean we catch them all the time.  Salt water fly fishing is a humbling little game we play, and at times down right maddening.  The biggest mistake people make is lifting the rod to set the hook.  I see it time and time again, and people get so bummed when they do it.  Our entire angling life prior to salt water fly fishing one is taught to set the the hook by rearing back or lifting a rod to do so.  This is not a easy habit to break and it can cost you fish, but if you do it don’t get bummed, it’s a learning experience and happens to all of us at one point or another.  I always say, if salt water fly fishing were easy there wouldn’t be such a thing a bait fisherman.  Water temps are creeping up and we should be seeing other species soon. I will keep ya posted.  Take note of the flies hanging from the critters lips, all Chris Webber patterns that you can pick up at Rivers and Glenn fly shop in Savannah.

Fly fishing Hilton Head, Savannah, and Beaufort

Views: 62

Fly fishing hilton head
Va beach Nick with a new penny looking red
hilton head fly fishing
Bill Flemming knocking it out of the park

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Wow ! the weather finally feels like April and the fish are acting like they enjoy it as well.  The reds on the high tides have been dancing on their noses well in the grass, and the low water has been giving us great opportunities as well.  It shouldn’t long now and we will have many other  species to toss feathers at, and I for one can’t wait !  Big Jacks may be the best top water bite in fishing period !  Nothing like watching a hole school of 30 lbs jacks destroying your poppers, sometimes at your feet !

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