Make Sure

Views: 35

Make sure when hiring a local guide for fly fishing that he at least has a good flats boat. Too many google advertising guides out there saying they can take you fly fishing only to be constantly spooking fishing from great distances. Todays reds are far to spooky for a barge approach in shallow waters. A good quite flats boat is as important as fly selection.

Hilton Head, Beaufort, Savannah Fly and spin Fishing

Views: 40

William w/ Big'uns

This January has to go down as the best fishing weather and catching weather ever.  That was until Cal Collier and his son William arrived. Winds never below 20 and clouds,. Yea!  Overall it has been great though with some nice schools of fish doing their thing, and accepting our offerings.  Prop 27, the measure that gives Georgia DNR the ability to manage our fisheries with some opposition.  Let’s hope this measure will pass and then let’s hope Georgia DNR will bring the state into  modern fisheries  management.  All fish caught and released in the Cane Patch area of Ossabaw.

Fly fishing savannah ga. Savannah fly fishing guides, Sight fishing Savannah, Savannah Fly fishing charters Call 912-308 3700