Sore lips

Views: 43

The winds have been working in our favor, bringing somer happy fish in shallow water.  We have had some nice reds busting baits on the flats, chasing mullet and shrimp.  Brent and Brian Hartley had a good day fly fishing with me catching first reds on the fly!  Today longtime customer Bob Lunsford jacked 10-12 reds and I helped with another 10-12 fish.  What a day!  Even with the wind blowing 20 plus!  We even managed a few trout out of the skinny water to add to our count.  Hopefully we’ll have a mild winter so the trout bite will continue, it’s fun having those guys around to throw in the mix.

Happy Thanksgiving

Views: 40

The Pre thanksgiving fishing may have had some of the best conditions of the year! Light and Varible winds made the fish somewhat happy. although it didn’t make them easier to catch though. When conditions get to perfect, you can see the fish great, but in turn the see and feel you better as well. This makes for great fishing, good communication between poler and angler, and quick on the money cast will bring the results. In conditions like this ya want to slow your approach as well. Ben Estes headed on down for a couple of days with the first day providing the best action, day to brought some big south winds and tougher conditions.

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