November redfish schools

Paul Rankin with one of a dozen reds caught yesterday

Found the mother load yesterday.  I don’t think the fish had been fished to hard, do to their desire to smack everything we tossed at them.  The best was watching them hit the top dog lures on spinning gear. After catching a few we began working the lure super fast, watching these reds smack the lure all over the place.  This was more fun than catching them.  Spin or fly they were eating!!

Fly Fishing Hilton Head & Savannah

Major bummer on the weather!  We had a nice run of jacks early in the year and then gone. Now they are showing themselves again and the wind goes 20 NE.  Oh well back to old reliable.  The reds are really getting after some shrimp on the mud flats making for some fun top water bites on poppers. After this blow I think we may have a late season run on tarpon.  Reports are there are still plenty of fish in the Charleston area, as the water temps cool they will move back thru.  Trout bite is coming around, and hopefully will continue thru the  winter.

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